adult morning sessions AT ICE LAND

Adult Skating Registration

Adults ONLY (18+) skating sessions, 7-10AM, Monday, Wednesday and Friday! (Schedule changes in the summer due to camps. Tournaments/holidays will change the schedule. The schedule will always be updated online.)
Looking for a leisurely stroll around the ice, chatter amongst friends, working on some skills at a slower pace without worrying about figure skaters knocking you over? Enter our Adults Only Skating Sessions! 

*Registration MUST be done online before going on the ice.
*Payments may be made monthly or for each session BEFORE going on the ice. There will be NO in person registrations. No exceptions. Violators will be asked not to return.
*If a session needs to be canceled for any reason, you will be notified by email as early as we can. Any one-day sessions that are already paid for, can/will be used for a later date. If there is a tournament at the rink and a session cannot happen, it will NOT be on the calendar. Check the online calendar before heading to the rink.
*This is NOT a freestyle session! If you are an adult skater working on higher level jumps, spins, this is not for you! This is NOT a hockey session. No stick/pucks.
*There are NO refunds for ice purchased that you do not attend.
*Ice is purchased per day or per calendar month.